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- Camilo Golgi and Santiago Ramon y Cajal discover through a unique staining method and Cajal discovers the brain is made of individual nerve cells which he deems "neurons".
- Paul Broca discovers the left frontal lobe is responsible for speech through examining a series of damaged brains. He is the first to understand that the brain has areas with specilized function.
- In 1906 Alois Alzheimer gives a lecture on his findings on Alzheimers, as he sees symptoms in patients with plaques and tangles in their brains and lays out the defining characteristics.
- Walter B. Cannon coins the term "fight or flight" after discovering the physiological affects of stressful situations.
- Medical imaging devices like PET scans, CAT scans and MRIs allow previously unheard of ability to monitor the activity of the brain.
-Provided by Lansing Neurosurgery.